Assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal pain.

Including but not limited to: neck pain, low back pain, arm and shoulder pain, hip pain, pelvic pain (excluding pelvic floor), knee pain and ankle pain.

Personalised home exercise programs to get you back doing what you love, with support via text available between sessions.

Online or In-Person
Excludes Internal Pelvic Floor Assessments

Initial consultation: $185 for 1 hour
Review consultations: $138 for 45 minutes
Relevant rebates claimable via private health or Medicare Plans

Assessment of pain and challenges experienced specifically in pregnancy, such as pelvic girdle pain, rib pain, or abdominal muscle separation, or maintaining exercise levels safely within a changing body.

Education and home programs for general pelvic floor exercises and strength and fitness during pregnancy to nurture an optimal pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience.

Online or In-Person
Excludes Internal Pelvic Floor Assessments

Initial consultation: $185 for 1 hour
Review consultations: $138 for 45 minutes
Relevant rebates claimable via private health or Medicare Plans

Assessment of pain and challenges experienced specifically in postpartum, such as wrist and thumb pain, abdominal muscle separation and returning to exercise safely after birth.

Education and tailored programs for birth recovery and general strength and fitness after birth to optimise recovery. Note: Meg does not assess the pelvic floor.

Online or In-Person
Excludes Internal Pelvic Floor Assessments

Initial consultation: $185 for 1 hour
Review consultations: $138 for 45 minutes
Relevant rebates claimable via private health or Medicare Plans

Exercise and movement are key pillars in experiencing great health holistically across your lifetime.

These sessions can be used to work on the mindset, “why” and “how” to meet the exercise levels needed to reduce your risk of various chronic diseases later in life, as well as learning how to use movement to optimise other life areas including your mental and spiritual health.

Online or In-Person
Excludes Internal Pelvic Floor Assessments

Initial consultation: $185 for 1 hour
Review consultations: $138 for 45 minutes
Relevant rebates claimable via private health or Medicare Plans

Meg Doyle is a registered Physiotherapist and Yoga/Pilates Teacher, fiercely passionate about evidence-based and empowering health care, with extensive experience working with women, including during pregnancy and postpartum. She has been alongside countless women on their journies and has also experienced carrying a babe and becoming a Mum.

Meg loves all things holistic health and is obsessed with personal growth. Fun for Meg is dancing in the kitchen with her daughter, being outside in the sun, reading fiction novels or diving deep into books that expand her knowledge of herself and the world.

Meg is also currently rehabilitating some chronic back pain and other niggles that come with being a Mum. She understands what it’s like to have your movement and life limited by pain and fear, as well as the logistical challenges that come with parenthood.

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