Hi! I’m Meg.

Meg Doyle has over a decade of experience working with women in the healthcare industry and has been a registered Physiotherapist since 2017. She is a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association and is dedicated to continued education and staying on top of the latest research. She is a Boronia local and is proud to be serving the women in her community.

Personally, Meg is a lover of learning, self-reflection and personal growth, which is a recipe that leads to her constantly questioning her practices, updating them, or avoiding them completely if they’re no longer aligned with the latest evidence. She is also a lover of holistic health and isn’t afraid of diving into deep and spiritual conversations. She welcomes all of you in your sessions as the physical body is only one piece of our multi-layered human experience.

Fun for Meg is dancing in the kitchen with her toddler, being outside in the sun, reading easy fiction novels or diving deep into books that expand her knowledge of herself and the world.

Meg is also currently rehabilitating some chronic back pain and other niggles that come with being a Mum. She understands what it’s like to have your movement and life limited by pain and fear, as well as the logistical challenges that come with parenthood.

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